Monday May 10, 2021, 1-2:45
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Center for Teaching and Learning & Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows
Join the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows (PTLF) as we reflect on the 2020-2021 academic year, consider what we've learned about teaching and learning in these unprecedented times, and look to the future of instruction at Georgia Tech. We'll be joined by Dr. Joshua Eyler, University of Mississippi, for a keynote workshop and then spend time in college cohorts facilitated by PTLFs to apply this work in your specific context. We hope to see you there!
Building a Post-Pandemic Future for Higher Ed without Losing Sight of Our Students and Ourselves
As we pass the milestone of a year since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, higher ed is collectively processing the events that compound personal loss with grief for the ways we used to teach, to learn together, to see each other in the halls without masks, and to advance our shared educational mission. This forum will provide opportunities to reflect on what we've missed during the pandemic, to think through what we’ve learned about students and teaching from this experience, and to build the future of what teaching and learning might look like at Georgia Tech in upcoming years.
In the second half of the forum, participants will gather in college groups facilitated by their PTLFs. Each group will discuss how their college can leverage this moment in time to enhance current teaching and learning practices. Ideas and recommendations will be shared after the event with College Deans.
About the speaker: Dr. Joshua Eyler is the author of How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories behind Effective College Teaching (WVU, 2018) and a frequent speaker at colleges and universities across the country. Josh is the Director of Faculty Development and Director of the Thinkforward Quality Enhancement Plan at the University of Mississippi, where he is also on the faculty in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric. He previously worked on teaching and learning initiatives at Columbus State University, George Mason University, and Rice University.