GTREET: Georgia Tech Retreat Exploring Effective Teaching
January 19, 2018 , 11am-4pm
Student Success Center Press Room A and B
Stories are powerful tools. Good stories catch our attention, make us want to listen, and stick with us. Have you noticed how students perk up when you say, “Did I ever tell you about the time when I….?”
A story, especially when it is a personal story, can also show how even successful people encounter challenges, make mistakes, persevere, and move forward. Something that initially appears to be an obstacle can become manageable when we frame it in a new narrative. Telling your story can create a shared experience that is much more powerful than offering your students abstract advice.
Recently President Peterson’s Taskforce on Mental Health recommended that we find ways to signal to students that there is more than one path to success, that “atypical pathways” may not be as uncommon as students perceive, and that it’s ok to ask for help. Join your colleagues at GTREET and learn how you can inspire your students to address the challenges they encounter through the stories you tell.
About our Facilitator: Shannon Turner of Story Muse is a professional storyteller and storytelling coach who helps leaders, teachers, and mentors tell personal stories to build connections with others. During this four-hour workshop, she will help us think about how our personal stories are powerful and matter to our students. She’ll also give us concrete tools for telling compelling stories and give each participant an opportunity to create, practice, and receive feedback on a story of their own.
Join us on January 19, 2018 from 11am-4pm in the Student Success Center Press Room A and B to learn storytelling skills that will help you inspire your students to persist in the face of challenges. Lunch will be provided. Please register by January 5, 2018.