Create Open Educational Resources for Biology:
Making Learning Accessible, Affordable, Engaging, and Effective
  Invited Speakers: Chrissy Spencer, Jung Choi, and Shana Kerr   At Georgia Tech, Introductory Biology courses, such as BIOL-1510, are typically taught in 50-250 seat flipped lecture format. Until recently, BIOL-1510 required a traditional textbook and subscription to an on-line homework system, Mastering Biology, at a high personal cost per student. Beginning in Fall 2015, the instructors replaced the textbook for BIOL-1510 with an open source collection of instructor-created written content and instructor-curated video materials.

Join us in this one-hour Teaching with Technology Spotlight session to find out about the process, the product, and the evidence that shows student learning remains effective. Come with questions and participate in a discussion on how you might implement these ideas in your own course.
